200+ Blog Post Ideas that Will Captivate Your Readers

Content Marketing 9 min read

Scrambling to find engaging blog post ideas? The task of writing a blog article is no easy feat if you don't know where to begin.

With this massive list of 200 blog post ideas, those days of staring at a blank page are over. 🙏

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Blog post ideas by goal

Promotional blog post ideas

  1. Share the ultimate company pitch
  2. Share your company history, milestones, challenges, and learnings
  3. What is your company mission?
  4. Share your company vision
  5. Spotlight your best customer(s) and what they do
  6. How do your customers use your product?
  7. Share user-generated content
  8. Curate a list of your top customer testimonials
  9. What is the origin behind your company name and logo?
  10. Share a complete guide to use your product or service
  11. Compare your product to a competitor
  12. Share a press release about a new partnership or customer
  13. Announce a new feature or product release
  14. Tease an upcoming feature or product release
  15. Promote an event you are hosting or will be attending
  16. Debunk a common myth in your industry. Counter it with facts.
  17. Case study: How [Customer Name] gets [desired outcome] with [Your Company]
  18. Fundraising Press Release: [Company name], raises [amount] led by [lead investor]
  19. Share a roundup of the most popular blog articles you have written
  20. Run a contest or giveaway
  21. Explain how your customers use your product

Educational blog post ideas

  1. Create an Infographic
  2. Write an FAQ
  3. What are common mistakes or misunderstandings? Counter them with facts.
  4. Turn questions you find on forums into a blog post
  5. Listicle: 7 tips for [unique topic]
  6. How to [problem your audience is looking for]
  7. Share industry facts & figures
  8. Walk your audience through a process step by step.
  9. Share a helpful checklist for completing a certain project
  10. What are the best courses, degrees, or universities to get started in your niche?
  11. Advice for people wanting to start out in your industry: do’s and don’ts
  12. What skills should someone have when chasing a career in your industry?
  13. Curate expert advice around a popular theme
  14. What’s the roadmap to success in your industry?
  15. Expert Interview: How to improve [industry topic]?
  16. Write a complete guide to a topic relevant to your industry
  17. Explain how you use social media and content to grow traffic
  18. Survey your audience and share your findings
  19. Share a drill-down of your workflow
  20. Define popular terms and abbreviations in your industry
  21. What is the secret to success in the professional world?
  22. What is the secret to success in life?
  23. Share little-known facts in your industry

Building thought leadership

  1. How has your industry evolved over time?
  2. How will your industry continue to evolve? What are your predictions?
  3. How will technology and AI change the future?
  4. Review last year’s predictions
  5. What are your goals this year, quarter, or month?
  6. Review last year’s goals and report on your progress
  7. Talk about controversies in your industry
  8. Challenge a popular opinion
  9. Who do you look up to?
  10. Write an open letter to an organization or individual
  11. Analyze companies and what made them successful
  12. What is your latest win?
  13. What is your most recent struggle?
  14. Write an opinion article on a recent industry trend
  15. Write your opinion on a controversial tweet in your industry
  16. What is the toughest part of being a [job function]?
  17. What excites you about your industry?
  18. Share your company history
  19. What are your company milestones?
  20. What does your week look like?
  21. Share the biggest challenge of your career
  22. What are the ups and downs of running a business?
  23. What are some of the most important learnings?
  24. Recap a recent industry event you attended
  25. Share speech notes from a presentation you gave
  26. What upcoming events are you speaking at?
  27. Share top networking tips
  28. What are must-visit (networking) events in your industry?
  29. Curate industry news by experts
  30. Ask thought leaders to share the biggest mistakes they’ve made
  31. Ask thought leaders to share their biggest wins
  32. What do you find most valuable in a leader?
  33. What is the difference between a boss and a leader according to you?
  34. How to outsource time-consuming tasks
  35. What helps you stay productive and focused?
  36. What inspired you to start your business? How did you get to where you are today?
  37. Write about what you wish you knew before you started your career
  38. What are some rookie mistakes you made at the beginning of your career?
  39. Compile a list of 20 helpful books everyone getting started in your industry should read
  40. What are the best courses, degrees or universities to get started in your niche?
  41. Advice for people wanting to start out in your industry: do’s and don’ts
  42. Compile a list of your favorite tweets from this year

Inspirational blog post ideas

  1. What are your hobbies or what do you like to do in your free time?
  2. What are your highlights this year, quarter, or month?
  3. How do you like to spend your days off?
  4. Share your morning routine
  5. Share your after-work routine
  6. Who is someone you look up to?
  7. If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
  8. What are your favorite self-development tips or resources?
  9. What charities do you support?
  10. How you stay motivated despite obstacles
  11. How do you overcome bad habits?
  12. What inspires or motivates you?
  13. Share inspirational quotes or motivational speeches
  14. Share a list of your favorite books
  15. What is something no one knows about you?
  16. What does a typical day in your life look like?
  17. How did you find a job you love?

Repurpose existing content

  1. Update an existing blog post with new content and republish it
  2. Revive a post from your archive
  3. Turn an ebook into several blog posts
  4. Turn a blog post into an ebook
  5. Transcribe a video, podcast, or webinar and embed the content on your blog
  6. Write a case study about a customer testimonial video

Tip: We have more repurposing ideas in this article 👇

Share helpful resources

  1. What are the best apps and tools you use on the go?
  2. Compare popular tools or devices in your industry
  3. Who are must-follow influencers or thought-leaders?
  4. Share a list of the best blogs to follow
  5. Share a list of the best newsletters to subscribe to
  6. List your favorite online communities
  7. Review popular tools in your industry
  8. Share alternatives to expensive tools, devices, or apps
  9. Compile a list of the best podcasts
  10. List the best YouTube channels to follow
  11. Compile a list of 20 helpful books everyone getting started in your industry should read
  12. Share helpful resources or templates that helped you improve your day-to-day work
  13. What is a hack you swear by?
  14. What are the best online courses in your industry?
  15. Or compile every single one of these in the ultimate resource list for your industry 😉

Blog post ideas by industry

Blog ideas for marketing managers

  1. What is your marketing strategy this year, quarter, or month?
  2. What are your goals this year, quarter, or month?
  3. Review last year’s goals and report on your progress
  4. Share insights and results of your latest marketing campaign
  5. What are proven growth tactics you want to try or have tried already? What were the results?
  6. Share a project you are most proud of, its results, and a step-by-step guide on how you completed it
  7. What are your favorite tools to manage multiple writers, content creators, and client feedback?
  8. Share predictions of how (content) marketing will change for the future
  9. Revisit and review previous (content) marketing predictions
  10. What is the toughest part of being a content manager? What are your struggles?
  11. Write about what you wish you knew before you started your career as a content manager
  12. What are important skills to have as a content manager?
  13. Explain what you find valuable in a leader
  14. What are marketing strategies you had high expectations for but failed?
  15. What helps you stay productive and focused?
  16. Compile a list of the most influential marketers according to you.
Photographer: Microsoft 365 | Source: Unsplash

Blog ideas for content creators

  1. Describe your writing process
  2. Share a writing tip
  3. List 8 tools for graphic designers
  4. Share a list of tools and apps that help you improve your content production workflow
  5. Describe the marketing channels you use to distribute your content
  6. Explain how you come up with content ideas
  7. What do you do when you have writer’s block?
  8. How do you stay creative?
  9. Share your portfolio and explain what content you are most proud of
  10. Write a blog post that targets a specific search keyword
  11. What is the toughest part of being a content creator?
  12. Write about what you wish you knew before you started your career as a content creator
  13. What are important skills to have as a content creator?
  14. Who are content creators that inspire you?

Blog ideas for the Human Resources industry

  1. Share behind-the-scenes footage of your office or team
  2. Give a glimpse into your office or workspace
  3. Interview a team member
  4. Interview leadership or management
  5. Introduce a recent hire
  6. Introduce an entire team
  7. Explain the meaning of your company values
  8. Share fun photos or videos of a company retreat
  9. What is your company culture like?
  10. Post about a job opening in your company
  11. Explain what skills are important for a specific job function
  12. What are the top skills that are in high demand in the next year, 5, or 10 years?
  13. Explain what you look out for the most when you are hiring someone new
  14. Share important tips to find a job that fits your skills and ambitions
  15. What are valuable questions someone needs to ask themselves before they want to change jobs?
  16. Share the best and worst practices for writing up a resume
  17. What are the best questions for candidates to ask during job interviews?
  18. Review recent hiring trends in your industry
  19. What is most important: skills or degrees?
  20. Share your opinion on recent hiring trends
  21. What is the toughest part of being a hiring manager or recruiter?
  22. Write about what you wish you knew before you started your career as a hiring manager or recruiter
  23. What are important skills to have as a hiring manager or recruiter?
  24. Explain what you find valuable in a leader

Blog ideas for the tourism industry

  1. Share your favorite travel blogs, influencers or apps
  2. What are the best travel destinations for [your target audience]
  3. Top 10 travel destinations in [year or season]
  4. How to travel on a budget
  5. Solo traveler tips
  6. Tips and destinations for traveling with kids
  7. Travel mistakes to avoid
  8. Must-visit restaurants for every budget in [destination]
  9. Complete travel guide for [destination] – activities, hotels, restaurants, etc.
  10. User-generated content: [Name]’s travel experience at [destination]
  11. 2023 travel bucket list by [company]’s team

Blog ideas for realtors

  1. What are the best practices in looking for a home in today’s market?
  2. What are the best places to live? Now and/or in the future?
  3. How can you save money while moving house?
  4. Post a FAQ about the most popular buyer questions
  5. Share an infographic on an FAQ
  6. What are common misunderstandings and mistakes buyers make?
  7. Share a checklist based on a common misunderstanding or mistake
  8. Share important events in your industry
  9. How has the real estate industry evolved over time?
  10. What are important skills a realtor should have?
  11. Compile a list of the most influential realtors according to you.

Wrapping up 🌯

Now it’s your turn. Ready to fill that content calendar to the brim?

Then take a look at this additional checklist to jumpstart your writing.

Blogging and content marketing has never been easier thanks to all these amazing resources, tools and examples out there.

Still feel like you need some extra inspiration? Why not get your creative juices flowing with a blog topic generator?

Good luck. 🥳